@FatalicSounds Road Trip Summer '17!


If I had to summarize Fatalic's Road Trip Summer '17 CD I'd narrow it down to two words;


As a former DJ & music aficionado my friends don't only hit me up when they want to find out where to take cool IG pics, but they hit me up for new music like ALL THE TIME. I can admit I don't listen to mixtapes much these days, but I always get excited when Fatalic drops new projects because their work is quality. Road Trip Summer 2017 is no different. It's the perfect mix of several genres, smooth flowing, and as usual it's super creative.I've known the guys over at Fatalic Sounds for probably the better part of 10 years. I know their talent and I know their potential, but building a brand is hard work. When they approached me to help them execute in the promotion of their brand and their new CD there was no way I could say no. How can we get the word out on "Road Trip Summer '17" plus look cool doing it?It's simple. Plan an activity synonymous with Doofy.... a road trip!It's a no-brainer really. We're going on a road trip to Ochi, and no we're not going to Dunn's River Falls or Blue Hole or one of those regular degular places you see all the time. Downdiroad is taking them to some new spots you don't see often enough.Stay tuned to our social media pages for more information and follow the movement for this special adventure. Downdiroad crew x Fatalic crew it's finna be lit! In the mean time in between time you can check out Fatalic's new CD "Road Trip Summer '17" over on their Soundcloud page:https://soundcloud.com/fatalicsounds/road-trip-summer-17 'ROAD TRIP!" the road trip coming soon! For bookings and general information on Fatalic Sounds follow them at:FatalicSounds.comFatalic Sounds on SoundcloudFatalic Sounds on TwitterHeatwave of Fatalic SoundsMumba of Fatalic SoundsManagement 


Tourism professional, photographer, cinematographer, and writer from Kingston, Jamaica.


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