Welcome to Crav'nish!


This odyssey to food, started 30 years ago, when a woman from Downtown Kingston, Jamaica, had a child...Okay, no seriously, but I really do believe I was made for such a time as this. I’ve always had a kind of love:hate relationship with food. I love the colours, aromas, textures, tastes and the juxtaposition that takes place when you mix them all together. I am intrigued by the inherent mouth watering effect of food that smells good, and in love with spices that carry big flavours. But I hated eating. [Weird, I know.] That is until I discovered myself. In 2011, I met one of my *“soulmates” and he taught me how to truly define myself and in defining me, the things I loved and that brought me joy. He taught me it was okay to be different, to take risks, deviate from the norm and the importance of living loudly, with 100% honesty. Evenings spent, over bottles of wine ... that’s how Crav’nish started. So it’s been years in the making, I just didn’t know it yet. It was years of cooking and creating recipes with a tupse o’ dis and a dash o’ dat. It’s the years of Cookouts with friends, all the Christmas and Birthday Dinners with Family, it’s Date Nights & Drink Ups. It's wine and wine glasses on the Beach, interviews with world renowned Chefs published in Food Magazines; and it’s a late night par with my Dad and Brother at a roadside bar drinking a Dragon. And for you, Crav’nish could be even more... Crav’nish is food, all that it entails and all that it leaves you with- Culture, Lifestyle and Livity. It’s that thing you’ve been craving and the craven way we indulge in that first taste. Crav’nish is good food that satiates the soul and the belly. Follow me, Yhuli J., as the DownDiRoad Team and I, explore Food Culture, Lifestyle and Livity through Crav’nish.  xox

Project Manager | Event Manager | Legal Mind | Writer

Smurf's Cafe


FINAL PAR - the #DownDiRoad Season 3 Finale!